[2019-10-29] / Andrei Travnikov: “National Goals Are the Only Source of Goal-Setting for the Regions”

At the second plenary session “National Goals: Territorial Impacts”, Chairman of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation Alexei Kudrin, Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation Mikhail Kotyukov, Governors of the Novosibirsk Region, Ulyanovsk Region and St. Petersburg, and First Deputy CEO of LSR Group discussed challenges of implementing national projects in the regions of Russia.

At the beginning, Alexei Kudrin held online vote inviting all Forum participants to reply to two questions:

  1. Do you consider regional indicators of national projects achievable?
  2. Do we need to deregulate regional powers at the federal level?

“The lack of Russia’s Development Strategy 2035 is a real problem for the regions. Since the adoption of the Federal Law № 172-FZ, 45 regions have developed or updated their strategies. But we do not see feedback - whether regional practices will be used in the future Russia’s strategy. Now national goals are the only source of goal-setting for the regions. National projects connect regions with the center, but project management needs to be rebuilt. Key shortcomings of the national projects: the monitoring system is not fully developed, e-budgeting is not fully-working yet; narrowly focused projects prevent the implementation of comprehensive programs,” said Andrei Travnikov, Governor of the Novosibirsk Region.

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