
Public Lecture
Circular Economy. Fundamental principles


The purpose of the public lecture is to raise awareness of the principles of the circular economy, circular procurement, the role of the circular economy and circular procurement in the states development and addressing global challenges of sustainable development, introduction of European experience in using the principles of circular procurement in practice.
The global population is growing and more and more people are living in prosperity. As a result the use of materials is also growing. Products have a high environmental impact (during production, use and as waste) and some materials are becoming scarce, with serious geo-political implications. As an alternative to the take-make-waste economy the circular economy is maximizing the value of resources with minimal harmful effects on environment and society. Governments have huge buying power and can use this power to get better products that contribute to a better environment and world.
In this lecture we will discuss the circular economy and how governments can use public procurement as an instrument for sustainable development. Basic principles and benefits of circular procurement will be explained.
A key question is: how do you procure now and why would you make a change towards circular procurement?

Organizers: National Research University Higher School of Economics, City of Saint Petersburg (HSE - Saint Petersburg), Directorate-General for Public Works and Water Management (Rijkswaterstaat)

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